Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Realizations and Observations

1- I need a program. Being on a program requires that I am disciplined and FOLLOW IT. Having a trainer makes me accountable since I apparently don't value myself enough to stay accountable to me. One day I hope that I not only understand all this health and training stuff better, but I care and love myself enough to stay accountable to ME.

2- I've sabotaged a lot of my hard efforts by adding in little things that I thought wouldn't hurt. Craisins = bad, mmmkay? I added them to oatmeal and salads. I'll miss you guys. Milk and cheese- yeah- a little bit here and a little there does add up. I'll miss you too.

3- "Eye-balling" is a set-up for failure. Especially when hunger comes into play. I *MUST* measure. I can't trust myself to guess at ounces or TBSPs. Ever notice how a TBSP of Peanut Butter can get really big? LOL Seriously. Measuring is my life right now. My portion sizes were whacked!

4- I know a lot about fitness and training. I do not know everything! I must follow my trainer's direction even if its something new to me. He knows more than I do.

5- Having a trainer you can trust is paramount. Being in alignment with beliefs on health and training is so important. Trusting my trainer to provide a proper and healthy program allows me to follow it with no excuses. Following my trainer's direction in both workouts and nutrition is the key to getting the results I seek. I can trust him to tweak and change things as necessary.

I love being on vacation during this time. Day One and these are the observations I had time to make and digest. I am so happy I made this decision.

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